
How To Repair A Cracked Bathroom Sink

First, do not be alarmed, as many bathroom sinks crack. Lower quality materials such as fiberglass and porcelain are less durable and demand to be handled with intendance to avoid cracking. And then today nosotros will hash out mutual reasons why your bathroom sink is cracking and how to repair it and ensure that information technology doesn't happen once more.

Common bathroom sink nifty issues

Information technology's a fact that many bath sinks inevitably crack due to poor employ with a more delicate fabric like porcelain. Hither are some common reasons why your sink may be cracking.

Extremely hot water in a cold sink

Like near things, sinks exercise not enjoy drastic temperature shifts. Extreme temperature changes, such as hot water in a cold sink or ice cold water in a hot sink can denature and change the concrete aspect of the material. In the instance of less durable materials such as porcelain, fiberglass, wood and glass, these materials volition eventually pause down and erode if exposed to drastic temperature shifts over long periods of fourth dimension. These usually volition manifest as cracks, material stripping or warping.

Natural Hairline Cracks

Overtime, some sink materials tin can begin to age and crack. If not repaired and treated properly, natural cracks can result in even bigger cracks that can cause the deterioration of the sink itself. Natural hairline cracks are common in natural stone sinks every bit a result of the construction process which creates grains and points of weakness in the sink structure itself.

Dropping heavy items

Most sink and bathtub materials on the market cannot sustain heavy impacts. They are fabricated to resist and weather natural erosion, non blunt force. This statement rings truthful for common sink materials such equally porcelain, fiberglass, acrylic, fireclay and glass. Copper, stone resin, stainless steel and quartz can weather heavy impacts, only you lot tin can easily scratch these materials, so avoid dropping heavy impacts on your sink.


Many manufacturers utilize layers of steel to strengthen sinks constructed from weaker materials such as porcelain and fiberglass. While this does strengthen the structural integrity of the sink, the steel will somewhen rust. Rust poses many problems every bit it is a effect of the metal oxidizing with the air around information technology which causes it smashing and identify more than strain on the supports of a structure. If not treated properly, any sink synthetic from steel or other metals volition cause hairline cracks in your sink'south structure.

Avoiding Sink Cracks: How to care for your sink

Now we've established the dangers to your sink, how exercise you protect it? Hither are some ways you can safeguard confronting peachy and ensure that yous practice non take to deal with a larger headache in the future.

Repair Sink Cracks ASAP

Equally we discussed previously, cracks in your sink can ultimately lead to larger cracks and eventually structural loss of your sink, ie, your sink breaking in half. To forbid this, information technology is important that you repair cracks as shortly equally yous notice them. This can be done with either an epoxy, also known every bit plumbers putty which creates a watertight seal in the fissure. Similarly, many professionals also use silicone caulk-both are acceptable options for repairing cracks.

Daily Cleaning

To prevent cracks from forming in the first place, you should advocate daily cleaning of your sink. Although information technology may seem mundane, but a daily launder of debris and other elements can lead to amend longevity for your sink. Excess wet tin can atomic number 82 to mildew, which can ultimately lead to the denature of the textile, which will weaken the structural integrity, resulting in cracks. So, to preserve the quality of your sink, make sure to make clean information technology regularly.

Using Warm water vs hot

As expressed previously, avoid exposing your sink to farthermost temperature shifts. Try to use warm h2o to gradually bring your sink to a higher temperature before switching to hot water. Or, if y'all see yourself using hot water quite frequently, consider purchasing a sink material such every bit copper or stone resin that can handle higher temperatures.

Post-obit manufacturer instructions

All sink manufacturers will provide you with a list of practice's and don'ts. Similar to what nosotros've stated earlier, this list will inform you virtually the material your sink is constructed from and what it tin and cannot handle. Similar in the example of porcelain, avoid high temperatures and heavy impacts on the sink to avoid cracks. Or in the case of natural stone, repair hairline cracks as soon as they are readily visible. Be sure to follow your manufacturer's instructions and so you lot tin can practice good habits with your sink to ensure it's longevity.

What if you lot cannot repair the sink?

Sometimes, even later a swell bargain of endeavour, your sink cannot be salvaged. Here are some things to consider when looking for a new sink to avoid the headache of your last sink.

Replace the onetime sink with a new sink

Sometimes, it is much easier to supplant your sink than endeavor to repair information technology. This is particularly truthful if the material is expensive or hard to work with. Fiberglass and porcelain sinks are fairly inexpensive materials compared to other sink materials, which makes it more worthwhile to simply replace rather than attempt the repair. When replacing, focus on college cease material such every bit rock resin, copper, cast-iron or natural stone. A college quality fabric volition be much easier to use and can withstand a greater deal of abuse, saving you fewer trips to the store.

  1. Different material-A unlike material affords you lot different benefits with your sink. Higher terminate material such equally copper, cast-fe and stone resin affords yous a college heat retention, which means your sink tin withstand and absorb higher temperatures and agree it for longer. They also can withstand edgeless impacts better than cheaper materials and ultimately require less maintenance and cleaning. And then while it may seem similar these materials are much more expensive than a fiberglass or porcelain sink, they are much more cost-effective in the long run.
  1. Unlike style–Sinks are available in a large diversity of styles which caters to a diversity of lifestyle options. Wall mounted sinks are popular every bit they save a great bargain of space without losing functionality. Then we have more simplistic designs such as a drop-in unmarried vanity and basin styles which are ideal for smaller homes. And lastly, at that place is the freestanding sink which is platonic for all homes as it can be placed well-nigh anywhere without beingness overly intrusive on space. Freestanding sinks are too popular as they are among the easiest to install and maintain with fewer drawbacks.

Many bathroom fixtures such every bit sinks and bathtubs will somewhen vesture out with heavy utilize. To avoid the headache of having to repair your sink constantly, do the research and invest in a higher quality textile for your bathroom. A ameliorate sink material volition upshot in less cracks and fewer headaches for y'all down the road.


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