Two weeks agone, the Transportation Security Establishment announced they'd represent implementing new "aggressive" screening methods, including total-physical structure scans exploitation advanced imaging technology and many invasive "pat-downs" for passengers who either set soured the traditionalistic alarm or cannot simply walk through the scanners for any reason. Almost in real time, there was an cry crosswise the country over invasion of privacy, and stories began flooding the media.

For PWDs, this down off a flurry of conversation about how the new security wish effect those of us wearying insulin pumps. A great deal of people have pinged Maine well-nig this, and though I haven't flown since the new regulations kicked in, I know I'm worried about organism hassled, not sensible erst, merely every single clock time I board an airplane from this day forward.

This issue was highlighted in the New House of York Times story last Th, about pumper Laura E. Seay, an assistant professor of view science at Morehouse College in Atlanta, a frequent traveler who was physically searched first at Washington National Airport: "It definitely made me uncomfortable… information technology's real invading and the thought of active through and through that every time I vaporize is discouraging." Oh man!

So is it official that we pumpers will have to undergo maximum scanning and manual lookup every time we travel, retention us up and causing a great degree of discomfort, to enjoin the least?

I went looking answers, and my introductory stop was TSA itself, which wasn't identical helpful. An email query sent to them in after-hours October accepted an auto-reply suggesting to check the general TSA guidance for diabetes on their website, which has not been updated any time recently and makes No mention of the early certificate procedures (!)

Next stop was JDRF, but they promptly sent me on to ADA's Legal Protagonism Group, which handles issues of potential favoritism.

The folks at ADA concurred: While there's no "official statement" regarding the new rules and insulin pumps in particular, there does seem to be tons of anecdotal grounds that this is having a immense and inconsistent impact connected pumpers' flight experience.

"We also have a lot of questions. Hoi polloi don't know what to expect when rag the airport — that's not an unexceptionable situation," says Katharine Gordon, American Diabetes Association Legal Protagonism Familiar. "We are in communication with Transportation Security Administration for setting up a meeting with them, to get the elucidation we all need."

She says what's complicating matters is the fact that new security procedures are not even being carried out in a uniform way across the nation.  Some airports have already launched the new "full body scanners" which not merely nibble high a ridiculous amount of detail of a person's body, but also detect insulin pumps American Samoa an "anomaly." Opposite airports inactive use the traditional paseo-through screeners, which we all know to be unpredictable in terms of whether an insulin pump will set off the horrify. Thus either way, you're likely sure a pat-down.

The essence of TSA's "old guidance" is that pumpers have the pick whether to walk through X-ray photograp machines with their pump on or off, as it English hawthorn or may not alarm. This isn't very helpful if you wear an OmniPod, for example, Oregon a CGM sensor, which cannot be easily garbled.

So what's a PWD pumper to get along? To my mind, the default option "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" precept is still in effect — my strategy from Day Incomparable.  Of flow if you choose not notify Transportation Security Administration agents that you're wearing an insulin ticker and they end up detecting it, your search and detainment could end up being that much more cumbersome. Those on Minimed pumps should have an easier meter, btw, since the pump is mostly plastic, while Animas pumps, which are mostly metal, are more likely to put back off the walk-through screener. Just there's no warrant…

"TSA is suggesting that people identify their pumps, but it's not official policy. That's problematic either right smart.  People should have the autonomy to decide if they want to disclose (their diabetes) and how to expose," says Katherine Gordon of the ADA.

With this lack of specifics from TSA, the pump vendors haven't been able to update their traveling guidance either.

When queried, Chris Joseph Campbell, Product Conductor for U.S.A Patient role Marketing at Animas, sent along Animas' traditional guidelines:

  • Pumps should not go through the X-ray screening that is used for carry on Beaver State chequered luggage.
  • The new airport screening, Whole Body Imaging Technology, is too form of X-ray.  If pump wearers are elect to go through this forg of screening, they will need to disconnect from the pump at the skin site preceding to the scan and request alternate methods of showing the pump other than using X-shaft of light.

Jennifer Rosenberg, Director of Marketing at Insulet Corporation. (makers of the OmniPod), says: "We've gotten people calling us from the airport saying 'what do I do?'  Thither's not untold we hind end do. Information technology's an insulin ticker and TSA does not recognize it American Samoa requiring specific procedures."

Her hope is that the various pump and CGM companies bequeath confederate with the big advocacy organizations to lobby TSA for more reasonable rules — ideally a way that pumpers can distinguish themselves up-front so they'Ra not content to the same accusatory treatment again and once again. (Amen, I say! No reason for hoi polloi with health chec conditions to be continuously processed like criminals.)

According to Gordon, ADA's Legal Advocacy group is temporary ardently on copulative with TSA to get this issue resolved. Meantime, here's what we can do, she suggests:

Take care the ADA's main page on TSA-related issues here: wind-move out-and-diabetes

You'll promissory note they suggest that you run a letter from your doctor distinguishing your medical condition, which we all should belik be doing anyway.

Familiarize yourself with this Sri Frederick Handley Page from TSA (you might want to photographic print it out):

If you believe you've been subject to unfair treatment because of your diabetes, call 1-800-DIABETES to find away how you can speak to a legal counsellor.

They can't direct along everyone's individual case, of course, but they aim to "provide as much entropy as workable, and in some cases can join the person right away with an attorney."

Also, they're trying to gather "documentation of specific things that are natural event to folks" around the country — what exactly occurred and wherefore, what you were told, how long you were delayed, etc. — so they can need this information to TSA to make their case for changes.

See details on the ADA's legal litigate here.

If you feel you've been treated inappropriately by TSA personnel office, complaints about discriminatory treatment can be directed to TSA's Office of Civil Rights.

You can call TSA: 1-877-EEO-4TSA (4872) or perish to its discrimination complaint site at

Try presenting this card to airport screeners:

It turns unsuccessful that TSA has long posted these Medical Notification Cards that individuals ass complete and carry voluntarily. This away no means guarantees a chivvy-disembarrass trip direct certificate, merely it could help expedite things. Information technology sure couldn't hurt to sustain one on hand, anyway.

"This is a new, evolving situation, and we'rhenium pushing for clear policy," Gordon says.

Whew. This is one of the rare moments when I've felt relieved to know the ADA has my support. Meanwhile, I'll be toting the substance abuser's manual for my insulin pump along in my carry-on luggage — another measure to hopefully hasten things in case TSA gets suspicious. Other ideas, anyone?